The Kickass comic book series is a comic book series about a teen without super powers who becomes a superhero. It was created by Mark Millar, and it has been serialized in CLiNT magazine and a graphic novel. One of the comic book’s characters is called “Tunk,” a male version of Cunt.
The first adventure of the Kickass character is a training session. The character meets Big Daddy, a mobster who tries to beat him up. He also meets Hit Girl, a female super-villain. She’s wearing a different costume than the one from the comic book. Red Mist, a counterpart to Kick-Ass, appears as well.
Dave works at a comic book store. His father has been arrested and put in prison. He has his father’s inheritance. At the same time, criminals plan to kidnap him during his funeral. But Dave manages to escape. Later, he gets to go to his father’s funeral. He cries out. However, when the cops come to take him away, he remembers his parents’ advice: everyone will be fine if you leave. So, he starts working as a police officer and helping others in need.
When he’s not working, he likes to spend time with his girlfriend Mindy. But he doesn’t forget about his comic books. Eventually, he decides to become a police officer and a super hero. After all, his father told him it’s okay to be a hero, even if it’s for the wrong reasons.
During his first mission, Kick-Ass fights two hoods. Before meeting Hit-Girl, he had already beaten up two other thugs. He’s a mediocre fighter, though. Despite this, he’s determined to beat her. As a result, he replaces his batons with chair legs, and nails through the ends. He also starts absorbing more resistance after he gets stabbed.
When he loses the first battle, he points out his mistake. Chris offers to pay him to leave him alone. This gives Kick-Ass another chance. Luckily, the two get into a fight. He knocks Chris out and then takes his handgun. And, he goes after Chris. Luckily, he’s still young and he can’t be hurt too badly.
During his second adventure, he encounters the villains Hit-Girl and Red Mist. Though they’re different from the characters in the comic book, they have the same goal: to take down Kick-Ass. They’re also a team. During this fight, he punches Mother Fucker in the face worddocx.
He encounters a group of thugs, and they try to kill him. However, he gets rescued by Mindy. Afterwards, he starts to train another kid. He also finds out about a meeting of Ralphies men.
Finally, he meets his super-villain. It’s a woman named Mother Fucker. She wants to attack Times Square at 8pm. Since Kick-Ass is in New York City, he gets to go to her hotel. Unfortunately, Mother Fucker has a different costume from the comic book. She mocks Kick-Ass.
The Kickass movie is based on an unknown comic book. It was written by Mark Millar, and penciled by John Romita Jr. (who was responsible for the comic book’s color scheme). Several comic book fanboys were drawn to the role. They tried to emulate the characters in the comic books.